1 year ago

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I made this SMW ROM hack back in 2020.

It's a hack themed after St. Patrick's Day.

Download it from SMW Central or Romhacking dot net.

Unlike the Halloween and Christmas hacks I showed earlier, this hack is only available in English. This is because this hack is short, having only a single world.



Next up


Old drawings of Shamrock Freddy and Easter Bonnie that I made a while ago.

I've released my new SMW hack, Super Mario World: The 4 Magic Wands yesterday, for SMW Central's C3 event that started yesterday.

Here's the release thread: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=129248, and here's the hack's page: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=39208

I know I'm late for the FNaS 10th anniversary, but here are some wallpapers of the official games (1-5, as well as 4 HE and MM) that I made with the game files.

Here's a quick and very wonky Luigi for Art Weeklies!

: Clip Studio Paint

Super Sonic watching Sonic 2: The Movie.

Happy Retro Video Game Day!

Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.

It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.


Super Mario World.


Tails and Luigi.

After releasing SMW: The 4 Magic Wands, I've started working on another SMW ROM hack - Super Mario World: Adventure in Forest Land

SMWC thread for the hack: https://smwc.me/t/129372 (More screenshots are available there)

So new character, huh? We back at it @Mortuus

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