Six Nights at Impostor's: Oops! All Hedgehogs! (RECODE)
1 year ago

fourth build coming soon

just gonna say it has some sounds from that fnaf fangame "jollibee's"



Next up

happy nine years to fnaf world

y’all have no idea how much I loved this game

I wanted to make so many fan games on it but I barely knew how to make a battle system (and still don’t know)

“sir gtfo my doorway” colorized

sorry there ain’t been progress

ain’t had no cool ideas yet lol

wtf is this

i still have no motivation to code

so have withered design sneak peek for fnas:h 2

fun fact before I go back to fnai: SNaI was originally gonna be a ONaF inspired game before I went the simpler route since I didn’t know how to code much back then

i got a main!!!


Because this game will take four-ever to come out!

…Kill me


motivation's back

so i trie dmaking a 2d free roam for this game

fnai is gonna have one too i thikn

(i hate drawing side angles on characters that aren't overly simple,,,)