The group walks through the caves... "Where do you think went?" Logan long legs asked. "I don't know? But if he's fighting alone he could die!" Fox-Bon said. Everyone walks out of the cave blinded by the bright sun light... "What happened here?" Logan Glass asked. "Looks like a fight took place." Logan Glass said. A Host screeches and jump down in front of everyone... Fox-Bon trys to stab it with his hook... The Host rips his lower arm off... Logan long legs grabs the Host... Hosts screech in the distance... Logan long legs looks at the Host... The Host smirks at him... All the Hosts fly in and start attacking everyone... Something big teleports... A giant Host Queen mech walks out of the smoke... "What is that!?" Kenley asked. "No time for questions just fight!" Ivan said. Vortex lands at the Epic Fun Factory and drops off the Prism... Vortex looks around confused seeing the Titan Mech is missing... "Hey where's the Mech?" Vortex asked. "Upgraded. More powerful than before." Proffeser Logan gray said... Alarms go off... Vortex flys to the Host Base... Titan Saffron boroughs through the ground... The Hosts bomb the battle field... "I don't know how much longer we can do this!" Kenley said... An echoing call can heard... Everyone looks around... A big cloud of smoke covers the field... The Host Queen looks at the smoke... The upgraded Titan Mech walks out...
11 months ago
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FliNt LOcKwoOd
Big Dill
I bet it was CaseOh
One day remains!
Made this in culinary class