10 months ago

Fox-Bon's Broken Reality: The Final Battle. Part 1.

"Let's keep moving, The Hosts couldn't have gotten far." Julia long legs said. "I say we go back to the Factory." Jaden said. "Why?" Ivan asked. "Because we're not ready. And they will probably assume that we gave up." Jaden said. "He's got a point." Logan long legs said. "Alright let's go." Julia long legs said... Everyone teleports away... 10 minutes later... "How are those upgrades coming?" Jaden asked. "Almost done. It'll be like another 15 minutes." Proffeser Logan gray said. Jaden attaches new cannons to his suit. Everyone walks in. "I think we're ready!" Kenley said. "Ok. I was looking at the map, it looks like the Hosts are moving North. They're probably going to the northern docks. Go there and be ready." Jaden said. "You're not going?" Logan Glass asked. "I'll be there! I'm just stay here until Fox-Bon is ready." Jaden said. The Whispers teleports everyone away.



Next up


One day remains!


FliNt LOcKwoOd

I bet it was CaseOh

Made this in culinary class