The elevator dings... The Iron Titan struggles to crawl out... The Iron Titan grunts, "Almost there." The Iron Titan stops crawling... His core flickers... Titan Saffron roars as Vortex throws him to the ground... The Host Queen laughs, "How sad. It's only a matter of time before he dies." She said. "How could this happen?" Kenley asked. "It's not over... Someone will be here to save Titan Saffron. That's the way it always is. We stick together." Logan Glass said. Vortex approaches the injured Titan Saffron... "No matter what happens... we all forgive you Vortex.", Titan Saffron said letting out a bellowing roar... The Host Queen exits her Titan body... "So... Are you ready to give up?" The Host Queen asked. "No! This battle is just now beginning!" Logan long legs said loading a rocket launcher... Everyone readys their weapons... The Iron Titan lays still on the laboratory floor... He looks all around the room... "It's time to end this war!" The Iron Titan said crawling once again, to reach his new parts... Vortex kicks Titan Saffron... The Iron Titan inches closer to his parts... Titan Saffron roars... The Iron Titan places his hand on his new legs and pulls himself up...
8 months ago
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Made this in culinary class
Big Dill
I bet it was CaseOh
One day remains!
FliNt LOcKwoOd