Jaden helps Logan longs legs up... "Thanks for your help." Logan long legs said. "No problem! But you might wanna figure out what, to do with your missing arm.", Jaden said. A Host jumps onto Jaden... Jaden grabs the Host and slams it to the ground... Two lasers come out of Jaden's jetpack and shoots the Host. "Wait if your here doesn't that mean Fox-Bons here?", Logan long legs asked. "Yeah. Virtua Cat is also with him. They're one the west side of the docks.", Jaden said. Everyone walks over to Jaden and Logan long legs... "Glad to see you made it.", Glamrock Freddy said. "Where's Fox-Bon?", Kenley asked... Vortex foot slams on the ground next to them... "Less talking more running!", Logan long legs said... The Host Queen shoves Vortex to the ground, and trys to blast the group with her shoulder lasers... Titan Saffron grabs the head of the Mech and twists it backward, breaking the neck... Titan Saffron takes two steps back from the mech... The head twists back around... The Host Queen stands up... lightning hits the mech... The Iron Titan lands in front of the mech...
7 months ago
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Made this in culinary class
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I bet it was CaseOh
Big Dill
FliNt LOcKwoOd