Sargent Host 1 throws Logan the stretch guy... Jaden stands next to Logan... One tough cookie huh?," Jaden asks. "Don't worry I got this.", Logan the stretch guy said walking towards the Sargent... Jaden hears the faint roars of Titan Saffron... "What's wrong?", Logan Glass asks. "The Titans seem to be getting closer, to our location. I hope they realize they're coming to close.", Jaden said. "We could go inside the base.", Kenley says pointing at a door... Everyone goes inside leaving Logan the stretch guy to fight... Kevin looks at his tablet... "Hmm. I'm getting readings of some kind of power source nearby.", Kevin says. Ivan looks at the tablet... "That's the same power source as the shards. That's the shard that will get us home.", Ivan says. "Alright then let's split up, and see what we can find." Jaden says. Everyone splits up into groups.
6 months ago
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Made this in culinary class
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Big Dill
I bet it was CaseOh
FliNt LOcKwoOd