6 months ago

FR: Des cadres pour avatar sont disponibles en magasin. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez et faites passer le message ! ;)

EN: Avatar frames are available in the shop. Tell me what you think about it and pass the message on ! ;)

=> https://gamejolt.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem/shop

FR: Comment ça ? Vous ne me soutenez pas et ne partagez pas ma chaîne YouTube ? Comment osez-vous encore me parler ? Voici les liens pour y remédier ! >=P

EN: How that ? You don't support me and share my YouTube channel ? How dare you still talk to me ? Here are the links to fix it ! >=P

=> Ma chaîne YouTube / My YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/U-zwnZHHcrI

=> Placer un autocollant chargé / Place a charged sticker !

=> PayPal: paypal.me/AVanGeyseghem

=> Bank: BE98 3631 6809 6693

=> Magasin / Shop : https://gamejolt.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem/shop



Next up

FR: Nouvelle vidéo ! (Disponible aussi sur YouTube) =D

EN: New video ! (Also available on YouTube) =D

=> https://rumble.com/v6qjq1o-screen-filling-up-fren.html?e9s=src_v…

FR: Le 672089ème jeu FNATI. (Disponible aussi sur YouTube)

EN: The 672089th FNATI game. (Also available on YouTube)

=> @jacko_gametime1245

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/ti2advanced/724110

=> https://rumble.com/v6r6pl2-the-672089th-game-about-five-nights-a…

FR: Contenu du téléphone de "Jolly 3: Chapitre 2".

EN: Phone content of "Jolly 3: Chapter 2".

=> @IvanG

=> https://gamejolt.com/games/jolly3chapter2/320365

=> Vidéo/Video: https://rumble.com/v6qqvpi-jolly-3-chapter-2-phone-content-fren.…

New items are trending in the SHOP! https://gamejolt.com/#shop

Snag a new avatar frame and a sticker pack or two!

Remember, every purchase supports our creators and our community!

Support creators, shop on Game Jolt! #gjbroadcast

FR: Nouvel autocollant. =o

EN: New sticker. =o

=> Dessin / Drawing: @Darknight__

=> Reprise / Remake: @AntoineVanGeyseghem

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Undertale! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.

FR: Nouvelle vidéo ! (Disponible aussi sur YouTube) =D

EN: New video ! (Also available on YouTube) =D

=> https://rumble.com/v6qfybi-minecraft-but-better.-fren.html?e9s=s…

FR: Choisissez une lettre ci-dessous. ;)

EN: Choose a letter down below. ;)

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

FR: Nouvel autocollant. ;D

EN: New sticker. ;D

=> Dessin / Drawing: @Fnaffan_c1e0

=> Reprise / Remake: @AntoineVanGeyseghem