Gamejolt Revolt
2 years ago

Fredinator's eyes was missing and I fixed issue with the HP & MP pick ups during his fight.




Next up

working on the profiles again

Almost forgot about this guy. The icon & portrait are both place-holder assets. #BatDay

The pixel art changes to the game is coming along nicely!

Also, added our little bat Ararat to the game, fully functional, just needs some polished assets.

Asked about this 2 minutes after it was sent to me, around 2 hours ago.

Posting it here in case someone else can tell me what the problem is, the stickers in question looks fine to me.

EDIT: This is solved

Been working on @fredinator1's new face.

Fredinator's Battle Theme

"Dark Side"

The demo now has a HTML build so you guys can try it out without having to download the PC version!!

The HTML version is a bit scuffed compare to the other version, some plugins, shaders etc, doesn't work.

For all changes to the HTML version, read article


-Added @fredinator1 to the game (his moveset will need some tweaking)

-Added the ability to pick what Creator you want to fight.

-Changed the player movement slightly, the hitbox is now also smaller.

If you want to contribute to the project, let me know!

-Added PandaC

-Tweaked both Fredinator & KUNOLEO's moveset.

Assets & mechanics are all subject to change!