The Bunny Graveyard

1 year ago

Frequently Asked Questions about The Bunny Graveyard

I've noticed there's been a lot of misconceptions/confusion around our plans for the game's future, so I want to take a moment to clear up some things that are being said:

Will the rest of the chapters be free?

Every chapter releasing after Chapter 1 will NOT be free, however, there will be an option for you to buy them all early which is what we call the "All Chapters DLC" This DLC is not available yet simply because we want to wait and see how long Chapter 2 takes to develop to give you guys a general idea of how long it takes for each chapter to release.

Will Chapter 1 ever be free?

No, Chapter 1 was released as a paid product and will still remain as such, making Chapter 1 free would be unfair for previous players who already bought the chapter. If a store ever approaches us with a deal to make the game free for a limited time, that's on them.

How long will each chapter take to develop?

We would love to give you a clear answer on this, but the reality is that we don't know. Our team is really small at the moment, I, Pichon, do the programming, art, music, and almost everything about the game, and it is not an easy process. Chapter 1 took us almost a year to develop due a lack of organization and planning, but now that we actually know what we're doing, I expect later chapters to take us less time, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Besides the "All Chapters DLC", will we be able to purchase chapters individually?

Of course, all upcoming chapters will also be released individually as DLC.

Will each chapter be $6.99 each?

We currently plan on releasing every chapter for the same price.

Will the story of the game change depending on what players are saying?

No, the game's story has been already planned in its entirety, we know what happens from here to the last chapter, and we will not be making any changes to the story throughout the development of this game.

When will Chapter 2 begin development?

Chapter 2 has already begun development, In fact, we're actually 20% done already. Expect more news about Chapter 2 soon.

Will there be any post-game content?

We have plans to expand the game in terms of post-game content, especially for replay value. We can't go into details yet, but expect more ways to replay the game later down the line.

Will the game release on consoles?

It is something that we would love to do, but it's still in the planning stages, we will let you know if anything's confirmed.

Why does Skye look different in most of the promotional art for the game?

Skye goes through a lot in this game, we know you have many questions about her and trust me, they will all be answered soon.

Will you ever make merchandise for the game?

Merchandise is something that we're totally down for, but it's not something we're currently working on. We also don't want merchandise to slow down development time, so anything we end up doing must be something that takes us enough time to still work on the game.

Why did the game go through so many changes in pricing before release?

While developing this game, we were still figuring out ways we could distribute it, in the past we've said a lot of different things we want to do but never said what we actually decided on. As someone who had not received any type of funding to develop this game, I was very uncertain about a lot of things, heck, I didn't even know if people would like this game when it released. You might find some old posts here or on different platforms of us saying the game will be released in a certain way or that it'll have this price or that, but I hope this post can clear all the confusion now.

Again, I apologize for all the confusion, and I hope you look forward to the next chapter. Thank you all for your amazing support these past few days, we know this has only just begun, but I'm really happy with how everything has turned out. If you like this game, please spread the word to everyone you know that would like it too.



Next up

The Gardener Skye plush IS HERE!

Skye the Bunny is on a desperate search for her lost brother, Claudio… but she’s not alone in the dark.

🐰The Bunny Graveyard II launches next year!

I updated my Skye model with a new Shader, I think it looks pretty cool. I should probably use this shader on my other TBG models

Character is from "The Bunny Graveyard"

Tomorrow's the big day! If you want to experience the new trailer drop with the TBG community, make sure to join our new Discord server! (Link below)


(We Now Have The Bloodsucker who is 10 years old)


The limited edition Gardener Skye Plushie is available now on Makeship!

Now that 2024 is almost done, we can say that we've been able to accomplish all of our goals for this year and we're moving on to 2025!

Now let's take a look at what comes next...

New trailer this Friday!

Be ready.

Goodbye, 2024!