Hello everyone!
This is the third of Friday Frontier. This is starting to become a weekly thing right? Today we want to talk about a new asset we acquired for the game which you didn't see yet.
Aura 2
We always had a post-processing effect to make the game look nicer. We both aren't very good at 3D modeling so we really need good effects to make the game look nice. Of course, we have and will always have the option to disable such effects. So we decided to invest in another effect to add volumetric fogs. We saw some feature videos of such systems and we realized that they are perfect for our game since the planet you'll be playing is under constant dust storm. Having those effects will enhance the immersion and overall visual aspect of the game. I guess Auro 3 will come out this year but since we're using the built-in render pipeline for Red Frontier 2, we won't be migrating to that version.
Volumetric Fogs & Lightning
We already implemented the system to our demo scene. It significantly improved the visuals at a relatively low cost. Here are some comparisons:

Of course, it won't be this dusty everywhere. I picked the places where I've used this system. And the outside will be foggier than inside. If we implement the weather system, the fog's intensity and color will change according to biome.
So that's it for today's update. Tell us what you think!