Five Nights at Friedrich's

1 day ago

FRIEDRICH'S GAME JOLT STICKERS ARE HERE (Here's how you can get them)

Hey everyone!! I'm very excited to announce the first batch of Friedrich's Game Jolt stickers! We worked on these on a livestream over the weekend, and now they're available for you to earn and use!

"How do I earn them? How do I use them? What is a sticker anyways?"

To explain any of that, let me first explain CHARGED STICKERS


On the Game Jolt sidebar, you can see three DAILY QUESTS. Completing a daily quest earns you ONE (1) CHARGE. You can see how many charges you have in the little meter on the top right (where it says 0/7... I've been slacking whoops)

Once you obtain 7 total charges, you'll be able to place a CHARGED STICKER on a post!

To place a charged sticker, go to the post of your choice and find this little sticker icon.


If you have all 7 charges, you'll see the sticker button flickering with lightning. This means you'll be able to place a charged sticker! Click the sticker button, and then click the little lightning button to place a charged sticker. (I didn't have enough charges to make this work so I stole this infographic from @Kane Carter, thanks for making it!!)


NOW that you've placed a charged sticker, two cool things will happen:

  1. I will earn a little extra cash (thanks!!!)

  2. You will earn THREE RANDOM FRIEDRICH'S STICKERS (this is the important part)

Once you've earned Friedrich's stickers, you'll be able to place them on any post you want, whenever! Also, if you use a Friedrich's sticker enough, you'll "MASTER" it, meaning you can use it as an emoji anywhere on the site!

Now, there are five stickers you can currently collect. Some of you from the livestream may remember me drawing TEN stickers, and I did! However, Game Jolt has a limit of 5 stickers per pack (for now), meaning I will have to release these in waves.

From now until April 10th, the first five stickers will be available! After that, they'll be swapped out with the other five stickers. Consult the handy infographic below:


What happens after May 10th? Maybe Wave 1 will come back, maybe there will be a new Wave 3. I have no idea!! Let me know what you'd prefer.

Apologies to any livestream viewers who were excited to get all 10 stickers, I had no idea there was a limit! Hopefully you don't mind waiting a little to get them all.

Anyhoo, enough yapping, I have to get back to working on the game. Remember the game? It's coming baby.

Once again, MASSIVE thanks to all of the support from everyone so far. Becoming Game Jolt creator has been very exciting for me, and I hope you all enjoy these stickers!

Also, huge thanks to the people who have been giving me charged stickers already, despite having no sticker-based incentive. Since you didn't get any Friedrich's stickers, have some quick shout-outs!

@Lugigdew4 (Top 1 Supporter)

@TheBreckters (Top 2)

@Kirbeh2 (Top 3)

(The rest are in no particular order)










Thanks guys, your support means everything! Enjoy the stickers, until next time!



Next up

Random Soundtrack Mini-drop!

Random Soundtrack Mini-drop Number Two!

FRIEDRICH FACT: Friedrich's will have over 30 Game Jolt trophies! Collect them all and be the talk of the town!

The death of ryon livestreams was greatly exaggerated. ART LIVESTREAM this Saturday, NOVEMBER 9th, at NOON ET. We're putting Endoskelett on the title screen and MAYBE doing something cool afterwards. Tune in!

Thank you for your patience! RYONSTREAM returns this SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH @ 12PM ET. We'll be drawing FELIX ASSETS and playing DAYSHIFT AT FRIEDRICH'S, a Friedrich's fangame by @Diruiz . BE THERE:


The Friedrich's Manual is now a little bit shorter. Happy reading!

RYONSTREAM SEASON 2 premiers in 5 minutes!! Felix asset drawing and playing Dayshift at Friedrich's by @Diruiz !! COME HANG OUT!!!

Drawing Friedrich's Stickers LIVE + Playing Five New-Fangled Nights by @Caleb_Hill !! Come hang out!!

Blog Post: Extended look at FRIEDRUNNER, Friedrich's FIRST MINIGAME! (and info on minigames in general)