We happily present you our game’s latest update! First and foremost, we’d like to inform you that some locations have been blocked off by severe weather or natural obstacles. Those locations will get plenty of our attention in the future, but for now we’d like to focus on improving the Valley! With all that said, let’s look at the changes!
Main Changes
Unforgotten Mastery
You are well acquainted with the Cursed. They are mad and aggressive, ready to do anything to slay anyone who hasn’t succumbed to the Curse yet. But their madness doesn’t mean they are foolish. To address this, we put a great effort to rebuild their behavior, making them more menacing and tactical opponents. Go ahead and challenge them, if you dare!
Unbreakable Bastion
This update also introduces major changes to the Bastion, which will get even more improvements in future patches. What got changed, exactly? Better come and see for yourselves!

Melodies of Arkana
Next up we have the game’s musical accompaniment. We think if the music isn’t good or doesn’t fit the atmosphere, it can ruin even the best produced game. And as so, we proudly present to you our brand new soundtrack, that changes depending on combat, current location and time of the day! We’d really like to know what you think of it!
Other changes
Cursed Archer aiming time added before shot
Increased Cursed Archer arrow spread
Elite Cursed have now been tinted red to make them more visually distinct
The Blacksmith has been moved and is now located near Mitra’s Sanctuary
Controller support has been improved significantly across the entire game, especially in menu and player management screen navigation
High Jump spell initial velocity reduced, making the characters jump slightly lower
Bows can now be fired in mid-air
Swear emote has been renamed to Rude
Wave emote removed from the game
Removed camera distance change on sprint to reduce motion sickness
Reduced camera rotation rate and lowered camera lag to allow for more precise camera movements
Server list UI has been improved, to remove confusion between “Connect” and “Rent Server” buttons
Stone circle, pillars and glow materials have been reworked in Mitra’s Sanctuary
Updated Xsolla logo
A gather animation has been added to all harvestable resource nodes
Multiple harvestable resources have had their visibility distance tripled
Titan Heights and Frozen Wastes biomes have had their temperatures significantly reduced
Ghostwood entrance has been blocked
Updated sounds for tutorial spawn and firefly death
Added Stone Sword and health potions to starting equipment
Changed initial time of day when starting a fresh Local Game
Removed redundant notifications from quests
Fixed typo in Shifting Elixir description
Multiple typo fixes in skill descriptions
Various server performance optimizations. Mostly relevant for Local Game
Fixed alignment issues of similar elements between different player UI tabs
Fixed main menu entry selection after canceling out of Local Game submenu
Most item icons in player inventory should now have proper edge alignment, correct resolution and filtering
Sticky Poison effect will now slow it’s target
Count selector for moving partial stacks will now properly increment on MouseScrollUp and decrement on MouseScrollDown
Firefly death sound has been fixed
Fixed a bug that prevented players from completing the Find Mitra quest
Fixed text wrapping issue in dialogue
We look forward to seeing you in the world of Arkana!
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