Five Nights At Koishi/Cursed Nights 2 Remake
3 years ago

Full game V1.0.2 Update

Normal night

  • Make Toy Remilia, Toy Flandre and Withered Koishi death timer much more shorter so you better put on the mask fast and hope that they'll leave before the death timer runs out.

  • Withered Satori now stays in the office for the whole night once she enters. The shock now only make her back away instead of reset her completely.

Cursed night

  • Cursed Flandre move timer will now stop while the other characters are about to attack. (Except Cursed Tewi)

  • Cursed Koishi music box can now be heard while the camera is up.

  • Cursed Reimu now makes a sound when her bowl needs to be refill and also, her hint message is now changed.

  • Cursed Remilia move sound is now much more louder.



Next up

I have a bad feeling with my follower count.

Very interesting graffiti.

Night 5 Is Completed

Elevator testing

We did it I guess?

Reworked the Tutorial... Cause the first was hard to read

Merry christmas from me and people from MD community.

Thank you once again to Sean (TheMostHeroic) for playing my game.

Coming Soon....

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