The Garden of Banan
8 months ago

Fun Banan Fact! The name of Little Timmy's father and the protagonist of The Garden of Banan is Big Timmy. Though never said in the first game, his name will be said and officially confirmed in the upcoming sequel. This has been another Fun Banan Fact!



Next up

Garden of Banan RTX moment


I must say, this number makes my brain release The Good Chemicals

The FIRST and an OFFICIAL Garden of Banan edit! This has Doggo's stamp of approval, you have nothing against me cowards.

Coming Really Soon!

What if?

The Official Garden Of Banan Community Page is now open!

Happy Valentines Day!! To celebrate, here's a render of Freya blowing you all a... fire. I guess you can't really blow someone a kiss when you have a flame thrower in your mouth. I didn't think that one through, huh? Oh well. Enjoy your flame broiling!

In garden of banan 5, this guy will just be voldemort from harry potter photoshopped blue. I am 100% serious.
