3 years ago
Fun Fact 22: If you’re wondering how it would feel to punch Frank, if you’re sadistic it would feel great! But if you’re empathetic it would feel terrible!
Next up
Me when someone says that Frank the Apple is a Cuphead OC
I already failed No Nut November
Artwork 8
(Most of this isn’t even related to FTA but whatever)
h a v e y o u e v e r s e e n h e l l ?
Animation Test # 1
YouTube video: https://youtu.be/g7J-86-VDNM
#FTA #Franktheapple #animation #animationtest #egg #lol #meme #sus #no #yes
Meme 17
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i'm gonna change my name and artwork so heres what it used to look like in case if its nostalgic