Did you know Glitchmob was originally a Drama Class project?
I had to draw either a superhero or a celebrity, so I chose superhero.
The thing is, I had no ideas for a superhero, so I asked If I could supervillain, my teacher said yes.
So I starting drawing what would be Glitchmob, at least, an “beta” version of him.
His body had bite marks all over it, as if he got bit by tons of dogs, his broken horn was replaced with a (small) missing chunk of his head. His left hand had a drill on all sides except the one facing upwards
Eventually, I decided to change his decide, to a more simplistic design, his body would have a tv static texture, If I knew how to do it, and I scrapped the drill hand idea and instead, gave him a hammer.
And now we have the glitchmob you all know and love (or hate).
That’s the history of glitchmob, have a good day friends!