1 year ago

🍩Fun Times at Homer's 1 | Review

Hi y'all, welcome to my first fangame review! Today I'll be reviewing Fun Times at Homer's 1, a fangame made by @NickPerson . I don't think that I need to explain what the game (or series) is about, pretty much everyone knows that it is about The Simpsons. Anyway, without further ado, let's get into the actual review!

1) Main Menu


So, here's the main menu! (ignore Krust he's only there cause I beat the max mode lolz) We can see Simpson's Happy Donuts, the location the game takes place in. Also, some fun facts, if you spam click the door Lisa will open it and shout at you, if you click Nick's logo a piece of bread will jump out and you can also see the Simptronics walking at the window. Anyway, the buttons here are Play, Extras and Shop. In the shop you can use your Homer Coins that you gain by beating minigames to buy upgrades and items from Apu's shop that help you throughout the game.


In the extras you can view the characters, minigames and credits. You can also change all of the Simptronic's skins in it. On play you can choose what night you want to play and on the top left corner of your screen you can see how many Homer Coins you have. Anyway, let's move onto...

2) Office & Cameras


Here's the office! The layout is like the FNaF 1 office layout, 2 doors and 2 windows. There's some buttons on the desk and I'll say what they do. The blue buttons control the lights, the green buttons close and open the doors, the yellow button is a jammer and the red button is... uh... a power killer. If you press it, all of your power just goes like POOF. Anyway, camera time!


Here's the cameras, you can use them to look around the map and spot the Simptronics and you can also use them to watch Yupoo (he's very important and I'll talk about him soon). Anyway, character time!

3) Main Characters
I'll only be talking about the nights 1-6 enemies here. I'll list them in the order in which they become active.


Here is Bart Simptronic, if you see him at your left door make sure to close it in time. Ay caramba!


Here is Lisa Simptronic, if you see her at your right door make sure to close it in time.


Here is Yupoo, keep looking at the cameras or else he will get super mad.


Here are Marge and Maggie. Marge will throw Maggie towards a door and you have to close the door she threw Maggie towards in order to stop her.


Here is Homer Simptronic, if you hear a gunshot-like noise then look to see what window he is at. If you hear him scream or say anything then open the doors FAST and let him run through the office or else he will break the doors.


Here is Ghost Abe, if you see him in your office hover your mouse over him (or click him) to make him go away, if you hear a wind-like sound turn on the lights and keep the light on the door he is on until he leaves. This guy is only on the 6th night and the CN (yes there is nobody new on the 4th or 5th night lol). Anyway, time to move on to the other characters!

4) CN Exclusives

Here are all of the Custom Night Exclusives, they're... a bit strange.


Here is the mask, if it covers your screen then move your cursor up.


Here is the fan, if it starts shaking and making a weird sound then click on it to make it stop.


Here is... Ad, that's his name on the Wiki. If an ad shows up on the cameras click the button to make it go away.


Here are the balloons, every time you open and close the cameras new balloons will appear. You can't get rid of them.


Here is the pie, if you don't eat it in time (by hovering over it) it will cover your screen for a few seconds.


Here is Golden Homer, when you get out of the cameras the poster has a change of changing to his face. Exit the cameras again and he will be in the office. Once he is there, open the cameras to make him go away.
Well, that is all the CN Exclusives have to offer! Oh, also, during the max mode a silly little theme plays. Anyway, let's give Apu a little visit.

5) Shop Stuff


Apu has some goodies to give us. He has upgrades and items. The first upgrade silences your office until a certain hour, the second upgrade shows Yupoo's watch meter until a certain hour, the third upgrade is a door detector that lasts until a certain hour and the last upgrade is door repair. Now, the items. The first item is a monitor, you can have 3 monitors in your office. The second item is a jumpscare shield, the third item is a radar and the fourth item makes power drain a lot slower. Anyway, time for minigames!

6) Minigames
I won't do them in any order, so uh, yeah, first minigame.


In this one you have to make 10 donuts, memorize the order on the screen and press the right buttons. If you're too slow Marge will kill you. If you see Homer's hand then click on it cause he wants to steal yo donuts!


For this one just, uh, spam D.


In this one you have to throw tomatoes at the Coffe Fazdog gang. That is pretty much it.


In this last minigame you have to put coins into a machine to play ''Walk Sim''. After you put in all of the coins you can play, but like 3 seconds after you start you get a game over.
Those are all of the minigames, now, time for final thoughts!

7) Final Thoughts
This game was very good! It was fun, it had good graphics, good gameplay and good sound design. I'll give the game a 10/10!
Thanks for reading my first fangame review, dunno when the next one will be, probably when I want to make another one lol. Anyway, buh-bye!



Next up

forgot to give updates as a lot has happened today so i've been quite busy, but i've completed bendy ch3 and 4, heres some screenshots i took

i FINALLY got bendy after years of me wanting to play it, if you didn't know yes i am quite a bendy fan im EXCITED

screenshots i took while playing chapter 1, i clicked select chapter instead of new game on accident so my progress didn't save after i beat ch1, but its fine i can do it again since i missed the bacon soup achievement

There has been a trend going around where characters wears these so called "Forbidden Pants" and thought hey why not slap those bad boys in these silly goobers


i accidentally found these 3 year old drawings of mine (only REAL ones will remember these, geniunely)

did chapter 2 aswell, my laptop was BURNING near the end but here's some cool screenshots i took of ink demon

altering fnaf has been concluded early, read ending of altering fnaf 4 for more details/lore section fnati: the 2d rp has been cancelled, game was way too big for its own good and after i restarted it i simply had no motivation to continue it, page wiped

Needed to test a new glitch texture so take a corrupted Grey Guy doodle

nothing wrong with this st3 theater image in the outskirts