funfact : Did you know that Imminent Danger, was actually for the mod called Mediocrity? Imminent Danger was originally going to be for Sonic123 and would have had a v2 that would be made by Nep (v2 was reused for slendytubbies mod : It Was Good)
Next up
i got bored, so here the new Kiseichu design
created and owned by me and co-owned by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
alright guys, we need a official VA for Kiseichu that know both english and japanese, If you're interested, contact me on discord: Willie_theRabbit or here on gamejolt!
Kiseichu created and owned by me and co owned by @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
before questions, YEA, that worm is Kiseichu's true form and YEA, this is the new design of Kiseichu and it's inspired by angry birds parasite by vibingleaf
arabic demon and parasitic yokai = friends!
Kiseichu (the japanese) by me and @PZZ-MONTH-FEBRUARY
Almutahar (the arabic) by Hogman303 on twitter
Sl4sh and EYX/draenog
Hi!, Carrie here!, well in case you didn't know, me and @PzzZeFunni are the only members of the mod team, and we need more people for Sonic's Rigomore, if you're interested contact me on discord!
discord : Willie_TheRabbit
ok, so, I've decided that I'm going to leave the FNF community and leave all my projects canceled, I'm leaving all fnf mods and everything related to fnf itself, I no longer feel comfortable in the community, so, goodbye fnf!, i hate you a lot!
second time that i draw on this artstyle