Skeletal Dance Party
6 years ago

Funnybone - Skelepal mentor 💀

Our wonderful artist Miku has done a lot of livestreams the last week and finished lots of the cutscene and concept art for the characters. Here is our protagonist Reva’s (introduced in last devlog) skeletal mentor.


Having lived through hell, died, and been brought back to life again, Funnybone is definitely a wise and knowledgeable character. He’s seen it all, lived through it all, and now he’s back to offer his two cents about all of it. Though he’s happy to help and just wants the best outcome for everyone, sometimes he just doesn’t have the heart to tell someone they’re being downright dumb.



Next up

You are invited to the Afterparty!

The cutest necromancer game ever gets a zombie invasion Afterparty update!

I am super happy to tell you that the Halloween update I've been working on since summer is finally released! In skeletal dance party your goal is to host a dance party for your skeletons.. that party is now threatened by zombies!

During the summer me and friends made a game inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood.

You team up with the wolf, one of the elements is a leash. It was really fun to experiment with different puzzle designs for that.

Here is the winner to the art competition we arranged at Sweden Game Festival! It was incredible hard to find the best skeleton and we got a whole binder full of them now!

We just had to include some of the runner ups as well. Incredible awesome work!

Participating for the #skeletonwar!

During the summer me and friends made a game inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood.

The result was a very comfy and pretty polished puzzle platformer containing all the classical elements; boxes, levers, gates and wolfs...

Little Red Adventure 1.4.8 is released. It features less wolf bugs and more polished story.

Made a game about sneezing on people.

Today Reva and the party gang is visiting Sweden Game Conference as part of their IndieCator selection. As always adorable stickers are up for grabs but are super popular so be quick if you want one!

We are entering final stage of QA for the Afterparty update.... Soon it is time to save your party from Clerie's zombies!