What's new?
Nerfed Funtime Matt
Slightly lowered the amount of power Funtime Jacob drains when he hits the door if it's locked.
What's new?
Nerfed Funtime Matt
Slightly lowered the amount of power Funtime Jacob drains when he hits the door if it's locked.
demised gang
Unused content for Funtime Triple Trouble
fnacoso 4 isn't coming at all. /srs
normally i'd reply to his post, but i decided to make a post myself instead and mention him so that he actually pays attention to this one statement.
sorry if i inconvenienced anyone, but i'm tired.
Nathaniel (he's an edgy fucking bastard)
Lizzie (fanart for AWWJ 3 contest)
Made a fanmade AWWJ 1 poster.
Ulises (this character did not age well)
oh crud
Funtime Triple Trouble will turn 1 year old in February.
Here's what's in store...
Cool thing I did with the Funtime Trio.