Hello Neo-Human.
Vivarium is a game about evolve yourself into this arcade alien mechanics, thinking about that, I am planning a new level system to value those who have better gameplay skills.

Your Neo-Human performance will be categorized by three main abilities resulting in a final note and level experience.
★ The TIME represents how fast you can beat an encounter with the disks. Will be scored by two fields, the duration of a encounter and the bonus for your overload time (for those who likes to live in danger).
★ The HITS represents your accuracy in the battle. Will be scored by: Max Combo, which shows how many hits you made sequentiality and Total Hits, which shows how many hits you made on the battle.
★ The SKILLS represents how much you can move on the battle without being hit. Mobility is related with how dynamic is your movimentation skills, Intangibility is related with your dodge skills.
You gonna use your Neo-Human level to buy upgrades and new powers. ( I will talk about that later!)
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