Galaxy Brawl

11 months ago

Galaxy Brawl a2.2.0 - The Elite Threat Update

Golly! That's a fast update! What the heck?!

Well, to answer any lingering questions you might have in the back of your head, yes, I am actually regularly releasing updates for this game at the moment. It's pretty crazy. And as for your second question, yes, this update is rather awesome.

Let us delve into the detes!


  • Added Boss Waves

This type of wave will only appear on Wave 10 for now.

On boss waves, the player will have to face the final boss of the game - the Kingpin.

After beating the boss wave, you will be given the choice to either leave the mission or continue in endless mode.

  • Added new boss: Kingpin

    This guy is a gigantic pain in the ass, I will make that clear. He has three phases: Phase one, he just dashes at you, phase two - he starts spawning in allies, phase three - starts shooting webs at you, phase four - starts absolutely gunning you down.

  • Added new enemy: Charger

    These pesky little fellas are essentially the Kingpin's right hand men - they will chase the player down RELENTLESSLY and act as a general annoyance. Apart from the boss fight, they will appear during regular waves sometimes.

  • Added new system: Wave Varieties

    With this update I am introducing a new system which will greatly aid in making the game more varied.

    Waves will be a bit different now on every run. That's it. I will expand on this in the next update.

  • Readded Currency

    Still has no use for now, but it looks pretty sick and I think it's a cool reward system.

    Every time you win a wave past wave three, you will be given a batch of these to break into Crystals!

  • Visual Updates

    Added visual feedback for getting hit

    Added more cool effects for damaging enemies and bullet impacts

  • Pause Menu redesign

    The player can now press options to enter the actual options screen instead of having them placed on the side awkwardly.

  • New item: Community Support.

    Adds 1% firerate for every enemy alive

Item Changes


  • No longer has the old effect

  • Now gives a 20% chance to inflict Brittled on an enemy

  • Brittled causes the enemy to receive heavily increased damage

Potentia Crescit

  • Now specifies that it increases Neurotoxin damage only instead of status effect damage


  • Name changed to Contamination

  • Enemies no longer have less armor while in the contaminated areas

  • Enemies now receive 180% base damage whilst in contaminated areas

  • This damage scales with Potentia Crescit as it is Neurotoxin type damage


  • Reduced damage output by 50%

Foggy Glass

  • Removed from the game because the effect was weak and boring (used to make it so for every status effect on enemy, the enemy would receive +10% damage)

  • Replaced with Community Support, details are above

General Changes

  • Tweaked all item descriptions to feature new color coding

  • You can no longer start a new wave before clearing all enemies on the level

Weapon Changes

  • Increased Railgun damage scaling from 150% base damage to 200% base damage



Next up

takin' a shower rn


Work in Progress - Spot the new enemy + new visual feedback on receiving damage!

Progress Log 2

Galaxy Brawl a2.1.0 - The Guns Blazin' Update

Surprise! Yep, a new Ducky Clicker is in the works!

Galaxy Brawl a1.0.0 - The Update That Changed Literally The Entire Game

Update 02 - Monsoon

Galaxy Brawl a2.0.0 - The Comically Large Update

Work in Progress - New Effects!