Hey yall, I'm BeenoxSwift, the game's main developer.
I'm writing this post just to say that I'm not dead (once again). The project is still on-going. Unfortunately, this project would be processed slowly as I got other stuff to do in life. Other game projects with potential money gain, high-school life and the flood of quizzes, and other time-consuming things that I have to manage.
That was sort of a bad news meaning that the game's development is going very slow. Although, I have good ones.
There is a potential confirmed sequel in the works right now, and a quarter of its gameplay is concepted and coded. I would show you a screenshot but I'm not the main lead of this project and... I'm writing this on phone. Also, some minor (or major) additions to the first game are suggested and I might bring those ideas to Artist Fox.
So good news, the game has a sequel, bad news, development is going slow. Thank you for reading this post and god bless your day (or night).