Minima Bomber was inspired by the Experimental Gameplay Project’s Bare Minimum Theme. It was made over 7 days (with less than 8 hours a day) with a total time around 30-35 hours. You can learn more about the game’s development process and any future progress at www.graduategames.com/blog/.
How it Fits the Theme:
Minima Bomber fits the Bare Minimum theme in several intentional ways (and a few unintentional). The pixel art style character was inspired by the theme and a great way to make a nicely animated player with the time available. Of course the biggest way the game fits the theme is that the character sheds his clothes and gets down to his undies. If the player is completely ‘Bare’ – you die. The levels were all created in Adobe Fireworks by drawing boxes and saving the different layers of the picture as backgrounds or collision masks. This was a simple ‘Bare Minimum’ way to quickly draw & create levels. I ran out of time and left out game music and used only a handful of different soundFX to set the mood.