Five Nights with The Bois
4 years ago


(No one cares but idc neither about you jk)

So... As you most probably know, the game has gotten no updates since a long time.

And it's evident why!

Me procrastinating the game map, and the whole mechanics (mechanics were done in 2020 but I needed to re-do them to balance game because it was unbalanced as shit)

And then Evil, who doesn't know that well how to do maps (I do not blame him, its definetely hard to do maps (AND models)).

So, for these reasons, the game has started a hiatus mode! When we are back, we will tell you!

The game will start the "invisible" phase in Sunday!

We will call you, we promise!!!!

(Also this is NOT an april fools, I know in America and some parts of Europe its still 1st of April but this is NOT one of them)



Next up

man the new emojis are great!

Hey guys, Im Evil.

Voice Actor, Modelator, And im....THE CHARACTER ITSELF! :D

The Story will be revealed in a few days! But...The models are already done so....Here you go.

A Behind the Scenes Poster and A Poster

More like...A T-POSTER XD

Big things are happening, my friends.

Guys, I asked CopperMan... And he does not remember leaving these comments anywhere... I think Dan has taken over the game... And wants to kill us... I'll investigate this situation further but... If I don't come back... Security Breach!!!

hi guys

Sorry for the spoilers, but this is now canon in the game franchais.

End me now cowards.

@foknt just released a new video to his channel, THE COMPANY INCIDENT, which is the best video I have ever seen.

Peak comedy, peak editing, peak character arc from THE GREAT PAPYRUS

Go check it out RIGHT NOW!!!

Guys the game is paused wait one houndred years

The game is officially back! Now with models 100% made from Scratch!

As you can see in this wonderful image, @RetardedFreddy @icantdoanything22 /@BigBrain22 and @EvilEMG have their models.

They may change, or they may not. See you in another post

Happy New Year!!

2024 was a... weird year. A lot of stuff IRL happened which stopped me from making videos.

Hopefully 2025 is better for the CustomerON Nation!!!