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Super Sonic... (Peach?)…
(Check out my Devaintart)
Came out as peachish gold.
(Workin' on something)
Quick mockups - Green Glacier
Course ID: K2K-M2X-PWF
Game: Super Mario Maker 2
Sonic Runners Adventure game
Sonic and gang at McDonald's.
50 followers on DeviantArt!
Classicwhite Images whipped up. Might as well. Already have the primary plot pretty much for all 3. Not saying all three will happen. Or that they should all happen.
Found another open stronghold yesterday.... It took awhile for me to find it, I will leak the seed later.
More (do you remember this?) Stuff.
I've improved on drawing by a long shot. But I'll take note of the "Chain Crash Dimension" Use it as a reference in later CTH games and becoming it's own thing besides just a mention. Maybe the E0 dimension is this one.