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Soon we will get to 4.000 followers on our TRTBN VR page. Currently we are thinking what to share with you, for now unsure. Game is manly gamplay focused with not too heavy priority on graphics, not yet. And it's hard to show something meaningful :/
I know what happend, you know what happened too. So all i can say that im proud of being that "wawa ass developer" because after all,i did great, everyone in my team likes to work with me & never mistreated each other for anything. Especially for money.
The Return to Bloody Nights VR - Fan Artwork Contest! Send us your fanart and we will put it in our game!
Once we reach 2.000 followers on the VR page of the game, we will show some images and reveal the characters how they are looking. Thanks again everyone who already followed and still supports us, means a lot! This new version is a great improvement!
Public Response to Community Concerns - TRTBN Classic Updates, Upcoming TRTBN VR and Personal Life (A MUST READ)
As a young & dedicated developer, I'm committed to growth and improvement. Original was a pretty good game but we want more. Please share your feedback on the original TRTBN and your suggestions for enhancements in the upcoming VR remake.
The Return to Bloody Nights - The Last Update "Play with Me!"
Its 2 a.m. and i can't sleep Listening to "People Get Up And Drive Your Funky Soul" for already an hour now.