Game Updated - New version with Shadow Weaver
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Game Updated, Lion-O is playable, Versus Mode implemented http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMw5vcuzuAk
Game updated, Skeletor is playable You can test him and play the game as him, its not final version, there’s still panthor left to do and at least one more special move so im open to suggestions.
Any Thundercats fans here? Lion-O animations Maybe Playable Lion-O?
Game Updated, Evil-Lyn playable, Trapjaw is second boss You can download the game again, some bugs in VS mode were also fixed.
WIP Animations
Game updated, Teela is playable + small updates He-Man has new throw, ManAtArms and Orko new special moves (down,down,attack) You can download demo again i updated it right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mf21HZaeCY
Game Updated, bugfixes and new VS levels. I’m releasing update because projectiles were broken in VS mode against human opponents.
Game Updated With Map Of Eternia You can download it again and test, orange marks are permanent locations, green mark is random encounter and red blinking marks are areas to clear.
Evil-Lyn animations WIP If you would like her to have some particular specials then you can easily suggest some ideas using facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/HeMan-SheRa-VideoGame/68911891779…
Next playable character animations Work In Progress Drawing skeletor to animate and listening to https://soundcloud.com/highwaysuperstar/the-road-to-alpha-centau…
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