Many of us might remember 2018 when we were defending the site from monsters. Next year, we did the same but, with trophies (existence of which I found out only a month ago)! And we did it so well that this year was calm. Well, for the most part. These days people aren't willing to go to each other and have fun, so GameJolt fixed that! This year, 'Trick or Treat' was online!
To finish your course you had to try hard, which should be done rather with followers that really love you a lot and willing to spend their time on you, rather with friends that can help you in any moment. I was lucky since I've got both! Everyone has achieved amazing results, and I'm ready to share mine.
Congrats @massydev and @monolith228 for gaining 250+ candies and giving out 100+. You both achieved 7 Halloween trophies (and some more in process). Also thank you for helping me with farm, thanks to FNAF Community Featured section on Gamejolt we could get enough of stickers. There was a content for 2 years (wow did communities appear so long ago), Vlad has gone to second month and massy to sixth. Results were amazing. Also congrats @King_Foxy
on 100% run! Must have been tough huh. And, I finished event with 500 candies gained, and around 100+ given (yes I swear I gave everyone candies too!). But with that, some offs were in this events. Maybe they aren't really connected but I want to mention it. This is just my opinion
Event caused a lot of (poop)posting
It's a really small concern, but I wanna say it. At least GameJolt left the candy stickers on those posts and comments, because new people would be really confused what were we doing this year
Stickers were ruined
Now that's the big deal. I remember how they first appeared on April First, and it was one of the best updates on GameJolt, but over the course of time, they downgraded just like the game rating system. Why can't we click on them anymore? It was so fun to see what's hiding in them, popping them one by one and now they just stay. GameJolt settings even set 'Show Stickers' off by default so new users wouldn't get confused, now we don't even have this option to choose. I've mentioned this some weeks ago, but then, we at least could make them disappear by clicking on any sticker, now we can't do even that. Also, 30 is not the final number now, you can leave more, but it will destroy the first stickers. Sad how it's not a fun thing anymore, pretty curious why GameJolt didn't like it
Still, event was not bad, and uh, oh, that monster will come back. What, now he's gonna steal the Christmas haha
Yeah, I also participated in event there, and I had to leave a like for every piece of content on FNAF Community (Featured) that has been posted there for 2 years. But it was worth it, It was the final phase for me, and decided to give candies to who I want :)
Farming done, time to give candies:

Ah was satisfying spamming 'Open 20' these

Oh yeah, time to give out the candies :) Hey, me and my brother helped Scott to get 100 candies for instance

After giving everyone so many candies I farmed even more, huh

Hey, after spending 2 hours on giving everyone candies I finally achieved the trophies!

I love how on my main account I was like "I gave joy to everyone, but what did I get for that" lol. That's kinda true, most 'forgotten' people I follow or know got candies and trophies from me, but I guess they just didn't care enough to post something on that, just like I did. But I'm sure it was warming that someone still remembers them ;) Cool event, won't use stickers anymore