One Night at Witherd Freddy's: MakeOver (Official)

1 year ago

Gameplay Sceenshot #1



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i love the cam glitch

Just now realized how much of a mess the trtf rebuilt UI actually is, kinda thinking of it more positively tho due to time

8 models currently added to the disamol model pack, 7 to blender 3.0+ and the atm single one in 2.7.9, obviosly most of them are random models ive shown in posts or are retextures and ports, theres gonna be a big credit txt in the release

think its funny how poppy playtime chapter 4 is considerd the worst one yet costs the most out of all of them

Random facts about trtf rebuilt i found in its source code

page release

when you realize the pear is almost 3 years old

Ver 1.1 Released + New Thumbnail and Header

Shoutout to DNaF: The Insanity Shifts By Peripherals, Its Peak