Get The Crates

3 years ago

Get The Crates 0.33 Available!

New features :

- You know see a mic icon when you are speaking. Before it was here only when other players where talking.

- Some UI Elements has been re-done

Thanks for playing!



Next up

Patch 0.34.1

Some UI fixes (eg. Dropdown scrolling speed slow on WebGL has been fixed by upgrading my Unity version!)

Also a bug that made you think you had all trophies achieved has been fixed.

Thanks for playing!

Easily teach code basics to children with Blokoding!

Get The Crates 0.34 Available!

New features:

- Trophies! You can now earn in-game trophies. Try to collect them!

Get The Crates 0.38 Available!

New login/register UI!

Blokoding update (v1.1.0)!

Cards are easier to print and cut!

A lot of bug fixes!

Link to cards in-game!

Get The Crates 0.35.0 Available!

Get The Crates available on Android Devices!

Welcome to the Get The Crates community!

Have fun!

Game link : (Available on Web Browser, Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android)

Read article for a pro tip!

Blokoding 1.5.0 available!

Numbers are now in letters (to avoid bugs)

Get The Crates 0.31 available!

Blokoding: A way for kids to learn programming!

Yes, a game to learn programming! Just drag'n'drop cards (for instance actions, loops, conditions...) and start a level to make your character move and execute your program!