"The last metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace."
It's a simple quote, but it takes me back to one of my favorite gaming adventures of my childhood!
Next up
Super deep cut. Anyone remember this gem from the NES days? Peloponnesus Forest from The Battle Of Olympus, on #Talkbox #VGM #RetroGaming #Talkapella
⚡️POWER RANGERS! Responding to a comment on the tikkety tokky app #PowerRangers #Guitar #MMPR #Talkbox
This was requested on another platform, but sharing here as well. My Mighty Morphin Power Rangers rock and #Talkbox cover is now available on all streaming platforms, here:
Snake Man's Theme from Mega Man 3 on #Talkbox #MegaManIII #Talkapella #VGM
Super Mario Bros. 3 on #Talkbox #Talkapella #vgm
Goldenrod City from Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal on #Talkbox! Full video can be found on youtube below:
Messing around on #Talkbox with the OST of Journey To Silius. Underrated NES game! #vgm #nes #retrogaming #journeytosilius