4 months ago

#GJAsks What I found the scariest villain in a video game?

*shivers* I still remember it like yesterday...

Easily Fecto Forgo, the lives of countless animal species morphed into this abomination striving for perfection...

When I encountered this thing for the first time I thought it was an escape mission, not a boss fight.

Because I was not mentally prepared to fight it.

The reason I didn't say Fecto Elfilis is because they aren't as scary as the previous phase, I was rather entranced by their design and enjoyed the beauty of the fight.



Next up

Laui's Leisure

Corvena's Dominance

Somebody ordered a side?

you got this!

: Aseprite

: Dosatu16

Jallu's Warmup

A very quick and silly Kirby doodle I made in Inkscape while experimenting with a tablet setup; thought he was too silly not to share.

I've been using Inkscape for about 15 years, but have never bothered with the tablet features until now.

: Inkscape

Caithlin does a lil dance!

(which was a whole afternoon of work lol)

Ozada's Reflection

(felt like photo edits have been a while...)

Never give me Bomb in Kirby Fighters 2

Things will go nuclear :3

Verefet's Playtime