1 day ago

#GJAsks What's your favorite video game hero? Mine would be Ezio Auditore! I loved his story in the Ezio Trilogy. Going from a young man doing whatever he wanted to a wise old man. We saw his entire life saw all of his struggles, and his accomplishments.



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#GJAsks What 2025 game are you most excited for? Mine would be Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection! As a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan, and fan of the original series I am so excited to play 14 Yu-Gi-Oh! games I neved played before. With new features to make them easier.

#GJAsks That would be The Bard's Tale on PS2 with my dad! I remember me and my dad sitting on the bed in my parents room. My dad would play the game, and I would look through the strategy guide telling him what to do. One of my absolute favorite memories!

#GJAsks If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be? Mine would be Batman Arkham Asylum! Ever since I got this game for the ps3 on my birthday many years age I fell in love with it. I've played, and beaten so many times.

Assassin’s Creed Cake

Both figure of Ezio Auditore da Firenze and cake are completely edible!

This was before I made cake videos but you can check out my recent gamer cakes at on my website. https://www.caketasticcakes.com/cake-decorating-videos/video-gam…

#GJAsks What video game food do you wish was real? Mine would be the Krabby Patty from Spongebob Squarepants games! When I saw this GJAsks the Krabby Patty was the thing to come to my mind. And yes the Krabby Patty did appear in lots of Spongebob games.

Video Game Quiz - Assassin’s Creed was Almost Part of what Series? #assassinscreed #quiz #hackthedino #podcast

#GJAsks What retro game deserves remade? Mine would be The legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time! Ocarina of Time is the first Zelda game I beat, and was so much fun it became my favorite Zelda game. If any game is remade it's this one. Played the 3DS btw.

#GJAsks What video game prop you wish you owned irl? Mine would be Half-Life 2 Super Gravity Gun! Why super gravity gun, and not normal gravity gun? Because the super version is better, more powerful, and super cool. And I should not be trusted with it.

Assassin's creed Valhalla piece that i did quite some time ago.

#GJAsks What's the hardest video game you've ever beaten? Mine would be Max Payne! When I first played Max Payne on PS2 It was so much fun, and really hard. Turns out I accidentally choose the hard difficulty by mistake oops.