VictorF0X / BkC4T
Made both sprites for Cat Thing(Me) and Adam(Him), along with reinstalling Gmod for the gm_construct BG. He made the voice for catthing(just my voice that he somehow was able to get ahold of the vowels needed for the voice), the MIDI swap for this song, the Adam icons, and the script that changes his idle animation depending on what note you ended on.
Xane Bug / A Random Cat On The Internet
Done most of the scripts, making my icon spin, the HUD itself, the camera movement, the notes, the note script so that both the catthing and Adam had different notes, the note splashes, the note splash scripts, my icons, and Victor's BF icons.
I'm surprised I put this much effort into these type of things, but it was really fun to do. I might include a download sometime soon, but for now I'ma be chillin'.
(If you do get a download for this use Psych Engine 0.6.3, don't use 0.7, you'll have a really shitty time)
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