Five Nightmares With Red: Radioactive (Cancelled)

4 years ago




Next up

Aw shi%. (If you're wondering, that's Monger, the main Antagonist in THS Franchise and Red's Main Archienemy)

*Red making the Most Original Script Bio you've ever read in your fakin life*

Here ya go folks, after so long:

Introducing The Hedgehog Squad #3: Medaline

New Look at the Office

(Made by @Highcell )

Holy crap, more redesigns.

''I'm not a ''Second Clone'' of him....''

updates for the major update

''Did you miss me?...''

''He betrayed me.......'''

OOH BOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! The major update is out! android version is coming soon today or later on

2 years ago, i said the game was cancelled, as a Joke.

Well, now it's Cancelled for real + Important Announcement about the FNWR Franchise