Hey everyone! Development on the game is going fairly well, with maybe 50% of the game finished, but it will pick up a lot in the next few weeks. Since this game will be more story heavy than the previous one, I wanted to share some information about the characters in this story.
Loren is the main character in Going Nowhere: The Dream, and the character you play as.
marker art by GiddyGuava
Loren is 16 and lives in a small American town in the 90’s. She spends a lot of time to herself despite living with her sister, Haylee. In the story, after waking up from a dream about her long lost friend, Violet, Loren gets a vision of Violet outside her bedroom window in the town, and puts herself on a mission to find Violet again.
Violet was Loren’s best friend years before the story takes place. After middle school, Violet had to move abruptly, and the two lost contact with each other despite being best friends. Back when they used to hang out, Loren would often bring Violet to explore new parts of town.
Loren’s little sister. Always playful, Haylee can be a little much for Loren at times, but Haylee still looks up to Loren as a role model. Between their mom being gone for work all day and Loren being preoccupied, Haylee is often left to herself.
Lastly, here are some pictures of Loren’s room!
It’s not ENTIRELY finished but this is a good idea of what it will look like. Feel free to comment and ask questions, and follow this devlog for future updates!