Hey gamers, it's been a minute since I've posted, but I figured to make this post regarding the new year. Honestly this year went by quick besides '23, now we're about to go into 2025 and I obviously got a few projects left. Because stuff will be done this year, however like many things, it takes time. Hence why I couldn't get TLO:TEOD out this year, but let's hope this this year. We are getting progress done as we speak and we should be able to keep it going. I really do wanna apologize again for the delay, but let's hope this is the last one regarding TLO:TEOD.
What's after The Lost Ones: The End of Disney? Of course there's our UCN game on Treasure Island, and for me alone, the new Billy's reboot trilogy. After all of that is done and complete, I'm done developing FNAF games. But that won't mean I'm leaving the internet. I'll still be around every now and then possibly making side projects, but we'll see. Funny enough, I should bring up that today's the anniversary of the very short animation I did for Billy's birthday, so there's that.
Sure, like every year, there were a few bumps in the road but I don't wanna go into that. There's been a few good stuff this year, especially with movies. For people who've continued to support and follow me, I just wanna say thank you. Obviously I don't wanna be one of those guys always asking for followers, but I always appreciate it regardless.
Like most of my friends who've already made a post today, I might as well go ahead and give shout outs to all of these amazing people:
@DamienGamer727 , @cole528 @cubby2002 , @Speedorsm , @CrystalColton , @PiggyandsquidyProductions , @Morilix07 , @V01DR4BB1T , @Rob_Lets , @Solar-Neon , @BusterTheMagician, @BluRabbit , @Black_Gem43210 , @Thardyz , @Malrat_ , @Superdiscoball7 , @xX_Nyx_Xx , @LemonBlockHead
To fully wrap things up, I figured to give y'all a small something something for a curtain future project just as a taste.
Let's hope 2025 isn't going to have enough bs as the past few years had. Keyword: Hope.