6 months ago

golden apple leak real guys i swear, my dad works for golden apple and gave me free beta build i swear guys im not joking guys this is 100% real not at all faked photography (vs thisweirdmodelingdude) - ost golden apple 7.0




Next up

The first 30 seonds of Marketland but sung by Miracle Machine/Weird Al THIS TOOK LIKE OVER 2 HOURS AND IT ISNT EVEN GOOD OML

I thought I'd at least finish the first minute of this this cover just for the hell of it,.,.,. anyways enjoy my poor editing and voice-mixing Context incase you didnt see the first post; Weird Al/Miracle Machine sings Marketland by Lemon Demon or smth

funny haha bday related projectmkvbghok././/..,.


Epic (Mario) says; happirit ma10r dy!!!!!!11


fredrick if he stopped fucking around

repost beuacue i put it in the worng relembb #BadArtChallenge

D&B in Sr Pelo's art style

The First one is The Spooky mouth art style and

The Second is The Simple Art Style