EDITED: I'm out of ttse community. "The 95 experiment" will not be canceled but it will be put on hiatus until we get a more "original" story, TTSE 2 will be available for you to install, I will not delete it. This account will be abandoned and probably someday I may return in another account.. with a new me. Goodbye
4 months ago
Next up
Fact: The strange green monster of this Picture is boco
Our battle has been losed
poorly drawn terrortubbies meme
Finished characters sprite for The menu
The Tom's Death
(Made by me)
Nina Made by Bing AI
In The texture files tim's name Is soulless engine and i remember a map called sodor abandoned workshop( probably no canon) with that monster name but it never came out
Oliver Uninfected Sprite
Newspaper for The game
Balto Recreated Sprite (First Post to Sprites)