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Soon we will get to 4.000 followers on our TRTBN VR page. Currently we are thinking what to share with you, for now unsure. Game is manly gamplay focused with not too heavy priority on graphics, not yet. And it's hard to show something meaningful :/
Due to snow in New Orleans, we can witness the set covered in snow. No idea if it will affect filming. Tho movie events happen in October, so dont expect to see any of this in the movie it self.
Twitter nowadays...
I have invented my new gameplay mechanic for my FNAF 2 game project and let the Bot analyzing how solid is my mechanic is for the game.
I'm trying to make players use most cameras and be able to control some characters too. More strategy based
Heavy sanvich
:) Awesome. We working hard on that one!
Wait a minute!
Whats the Chica doing? Anyway, testing purposes render. I will use my own models but this is the Kitchen Area camera and i plan to make Old Chica go through there with similar view as here, what do u think?