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Contrary to Christianity In Islam, Satan/Shaytan was originally not a "fallen angel" but a jinn, a being made of fire called Iblis and doesn't rule over Hell, but rather tries to make people join him in Hell
Yes, the same Jinn as Genies
The grind was successful
Got the full gear of enchanted netherite armour and tools, trims and all
And while barely mining at all, simply using Create Mod farms to get it all :)
Took a picture to celebrate (Nothing weird in the background trust me bro)
When people think halal meat, they usually just think, "Pork is not halal" and that's it.
However, there's actually a very detailed methodology on how any meat can be either halal or haram to eat:
The Holy Qur'an predicts the Big Bang Theory
“Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?”
Comment about Why do you like Video Games in General.
It's my favourite month
Not March
Ramadan 🌜 ⭐
So every day this month I'll be posting an interesting Islam fact to spread some knowledge :)
Also I'll be taking a break from gaming to focus on studies and faith, so don't expect any CTB devlogs or anything
Jihad in Islam does not mean to fight enemies for political or revoltionary means. Jihad, which translates to "to strive" is to work towards the betterment of oneself (Greater Jihad) or to help others (lesser Jihad)
Do you remember Zalgo?
Guess what lads?
If you wanna download the schematic and try it out for yourself, it's now available for download :D