Emma Frost, while in Diamond Form, can now grab (and attack/throw) enemies
Tigra and Black Cat (Quicksilver will be able to do this too, maybe Wolverine also) can recovery from fall and land on their feet.
War Machine can now grab (and attack/throws) enemies, but Iron Man can’t. It makes sense since Rhodes had military training. Also his Special 2, Seek and Destroy, now depends on hit to make him go to the uppercut.
Red Hulk has a new jumpattack animation
Gunners now can’t shoot while they are outside the screen, upon request.
Some enemies can take the recovery itens from the floor
Brand now can enter in Gun mode as a extra move (cost mp) and not as he Avenger Power. I need to code her Avenger move yet.
Started to code the aerial stage. Its the transition between the first stage (after the battle with Tiger Shark) and the Maggia ship.
The only bad news is that Brand’s Gun mode is given me a bug vith a global variable and I am having no luck fixing it. Maybe I will request help from a more experienced coder.
I would like to post more stuff but I am still deadly busy at RL. But I hope to post more stuff soon.