So I’m sure some of you saw the announcement on the 2nd Anniversary Page, but if you haven’t, I’ll fill you the info. I was given an Android Module recently, with the help from PJ and MsVelsina (creator of Fazbear Nightmare), I was given an activation code on Steam which gave me the Android Module, and upon quite a while of setting up the module properly last night, it’s safe to say it’s quite stable now and able to continue on with making the Android version of this game.
The progress on the Android Port involves of Cameras, Menu, Night Transition and Newspaper, which the newspaper will be remade and added to the port before a demo release just so I can get rid of those terrible miss spelling and grammar issues, so that’s that.
I know before I said I wasn’t going to do an Android Port, only IF I had an Android Module, which now I do. And it shouldn’t take that long to be honest.
Things in the port will be getting rid of the cutscenes and the night 6 minigame.