After only a week on Steam Greenlight! the game was greenlit on September 5th,2016!
Thank you so much to everyone who voted! As a solo developer it really means a lot ^_^ With the joys of getting through greenlight I took a day or two to just enjoy it before going on the venture of getting the store page ready and live. After setting everything up it’s looking great and there is now a release date estimate for the first episode for the game! STORE PAGE!
Of course you don’t have to wait that long to get your copy of the game, get ahead of the line and pre-order today! You can purchase either the 1st episode by itself or the entire game (both options are displayed for your convenience, simply scroll down). PRE-ORDER!
There’s still a lot of work to be done before the first episode will be ready but don’t worry, I have been diving into development and will have a lot to show in the future. For now here’s a short test video for the base character mechanics during the times when you gain full control over the character, I wanted to expand on the mechanics that most telltale games present, which are usually quiet minimal.
Thanks again for all of the awesome support, until next time!