Hidden Forge Super Battle Royale Rumble
7 years ago

Greetings and big update announcement

Hello everyone, thanks for following the game. Just wanted to post my first announcement over the game, mostly on some questions I’ve received regarding the games content and features. Now then let’s begin.

Question #1
Q: How do you defeat players/bots?
A: Keep attacking until there health reaches zero.
Question #2
Q: How many players does it support and what are the controls?
A: The game currently has updates releasing with 6 to 7 players. I plan on adding 8-12 total players. But only 1-4 support keyboard and game pad, while the rest only support bots. The main controls for keyboard are “I” “O” and “P”. P is primary attack O is secondary attack I is special. While gamepad is A for jump. B primary. X secondary. Y special.
Question #3
Q: Why make the game cost?
A: So it can help support me on releasing more and more updates for the game. I do however plan on releasing a DEMO very soon, if people are interested enough in a DEMO.
Question #4
Q: Does it support PS3 controllers?
A: Nope it only supports Xbox one. Not sure about 360 controllers though. But you can install softwares to use PS3 controllers.
Question #5
Q: When does V1.0.5 release?
A: Not sure yet but here is some of the features coming to the game.

I’ll be updating this as time goes on.


  • Challenge mode (Maybe)

  • Skins 5 for all players (More coming soon)

  • Bot difficulty

  • Teams, Health, Size and Lives customization

  • 12 Playable characters

  • 7 Players

  • 3 playable stages

  • Options (V-sync, Windowed/Fullscreen and more)

  • Unlockable content (Characters, Stages and Etc)

  • Most bugs removed.

If anyone has any questions, please let me know below. Thanks.



Next up


When we needed him most he came.

#ModShowcase #1 Here's a must have mod if you like trading in Minecraft!

Read more on the official mod page!




Hey everyone, thanks for all the subs so far! Almost reached the 1k goal!!! If you haven't already be sure to subscribe!!! Most of you haven't yet :( I would really appreciate it if you did, it helps my channel grow! Thanks!…

I couldn't resist to not upload this after @ficha post reminded me of it

Today is my spawn day, surprised how it hasn't shown up yet lol

Another thing my gf made.

Why you gotta do my brudda like dat