Now, you may have heard of a little story here :
However, much more must be explained in order to protect you from the dangers outside, and explain how to conquer the wasteland once you do!
Now, let's start off by talking about who might be able to enter into our exclusive Safe-Tec program!
Mostly, it will only be people who we personally trust, however, if someone I really trust, trusts someone, then I might trust them too, but naturally, Safe-Tec wants to be very careful about who it preserves to re-build society.
Now, the world outside may be very difficult once you've left the safety of our encoded bunkers. Many Haven residents might become tribal, and forget their civilized ways. With a lack of proper authorities, crime will likely be rampant, and many groups and factions might be immediately hostile, or otherwise uncivilized.
For this reason, you need to be on your guard not to be sucked into communistic tribal cultures, and instead try to bring civility back to our wonderful land of Game Jolt!
If you're interested in joining on with our Safe Haven code bank program, then be sure say so in the comments below.
Further details will be provided shortly, however, we may need an easy method of contacting you in order to ensure your Save Haven quarters are up to your expected standards!
Join the discord here :
And remember, Code-Tec worries about the future, so you don't have to!