1 month ago

Greetings! 🌺✨

πŸ’™ Before everything actually about me, this beautiful piece of Blueberry art was drawn by this wonderful person over on BiliBili: https://m.bilibili.com/opus/209527913660122172

Go check 'em out!! they have some awesome stuff!!! ☝

Hellllooo friends! :3


My name is Thunder, I'm a black girl from way over yonder in the United States of America.

πŸ’œ πŸ’™ πŸ’š

My goal in life is to move others with my artwork and creativity! 🌸

So, if I make you feel something from my art or whatever I have created, then I consider it a sucess! <3


I was born on December 12th so that means I am a winter bae~ ❄

I am currently about 4'11 tall, but I am still growing. (I think?) I am a shortie, but that just means I can boss tall people around however I want! MWHEHEHEH!! >:3

✨ I believe that everyone and anyone matters, regardless of race, religion, and/or sexuality; as long as you respect me, you shall be respected the same.


I'm a black gurl, BLACK GURL MAGICC πŸ’«βœ¨ and a lot of my works reflect how I feel as being a margin of a group, and I'm always making things that talk about those like me, so if you are black and looking for a safe space, here is one!


About My Interests:

🐻 I'm a biiigggg fan of FNaF- for sure my favourite game franchise and community.

🐾 I'm a proud furry, and even own a fursuit IRL!

πŸ’« I love Undertale oh so very much! My favourite Undertale AUs are Underswap and Seventh Soul by 8TheKat~ πŸ’™

🎢 I make music, analog art and digital art, crafts, cosplay, and whatever else I may be up to! I don't have a singular one thing I enjoy doing, so stay tuned for whatever I may be creating in the shadows- (qο½₯Ο‰ο½₯q)

🌌 I love any thing about quantum physics, space & time, planets and/or zodiacs It's all so interesting to me and it's criminally underrated! >:3


-And well, that's about it! I'm so glad to be here and in this new community. It's gonna take me a bit to figure out how to work this social, but I hope to be a pro at it one day in the future-

So.... nice to meet all of you!!! <3 πŸ’™πŸ’œ



Next up

Shadows From The Deep

FNaF 2 Album (^.^) β„πŸŒΈ

Second Song: Can't Save Them All


Kaleidoscope | Ink!Sans Original Song 🌈

Fredbear Drawing! 🌺✨

Shadows From The Deep

FNaF 2 Album 🌈🍫

Last Song: Unfixable


Static Drops | FNaF 2 Original Song ✨

Ghost in Your Reflection | FNaF Lefty Song

Lolbit Voicelines Remix | FNaF: SL

I am still alive- πŸ’™(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

Shadows From The Deep

FNaF 2 Album 🍩🍨

First Song: Tragedy ✨


πŸ’™πŸŒˆ I Redrew an Almost 4 Year Old Drawing!