I have discovered a CUSTOM extension that can be added with TurboWarp, which is called the FETCH extension, which is here: https://extensions.turbowarp.org/fetch.js.
How can I add a custom extension?
Simple, but it's on TurboWarp only. You go to the add extensions page, and then scroll all the way down until you see Custom Extension button. What you need to do is to copy an extension link and paste it in the pop-up box that looks like this:
Press OK, and B O OM, extension added, but if it doesn't work, then that means the link is invalid.
What's the catch?
So, I realized that this particular extension can fetch simple text files. So, I tried this out.
I created a dummy text document with only one word in it. Then I went to my website that I created (https://papichi05.wixsite.com/agesite), and uploaded the document into the file drive.
I clicked on the document, and I get this simple page, redirected from my website:
It's the same thing of what I just wrote. So, I copied the link that is in the browser bar, and I pasted it on the custom extension on TurboWarp.
The file link was pretty long, though.
But then, I clicked on the block, and it actually worked.
So, that means, I can make my future projects fetch documents from my OWN website! Pretty cool, huh? Wanna try it out? Then do it, duh.
Test Project: